What Is Kefir?

What Is Kefir?

Kefir comes from the Turkish word “Keyif” meaning “feel good”, and it’s designed to do precisely that. Water Kefir is a fermented drink made from a live culture of friendly bacteria and yeast, creating a fizzy tasting, delicious, gut-loving beverage.

High in probiotics, including a wide array of beneficial bacteria strains, containing over 27 billion live cultures per 270ml bottle, including live strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium (probiotics). Triveda’s Aqua De Kefir is teeming with beneficial digestive enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. A study published in Frontiers in Microbiology showed that kefir water is one of the best dietary sources of probiotics available and may contain up to 56 different yeast and bacteria strains.

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An Accelerating Trend

A versatile drink, water kefir has been rising in popularity and awareness as an ideal mixer for unique cocktail concoctions. The fermented drink has been making its debut on cocktail lists worldwide. Probiotic beverages fuel the demand for live-cultured based drinks and water kefir is popular among consumers following plant-based or vegan diets or looking for a milk alternative. Low sugar and low calorie water kefir its perfectly suited for a healthy fizzy soft drink or alcohol alternative.

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